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Sunday, April 06, 2014

Lupron Side Effects ~ Tell you Lupron Story on Erin Brockovich Site ~ Read others stories

Lupron Side Effects

For far too long now, I have been contacted by people who tell me that they have been adversely impacted by Lupron. In fact, since 1999, the FDA has received adverse drug reports about Lupron from in excess of 4,000 women and approximately, 3,000 men. According to the FDA, in 325 of those cases, hospitilization was necessary and 25 women died, directly related to Lupron use.
The shared stories on this site reveal lives that have been irreparably damaged. We need to do something about this. Nothing is more powerful in coercing change than the voices of the people. I hope that this site is a place where you can come and share your story and thoughts. This is a place where you can link to other Facebook groups, read blogs and learn about what rights you may have and current news on the Lupron. This is a place where we can become stronger together.
- See more at: http://www.lupronsideeffects.net/#sthash.BMD1RGV9.dpuf


1 comment:

Unknown said...

My daughter is in the Air Force. However, she is being thrown out due to mental issues she developed after receiving lupron injections. She was given the injections by the Air Force for approximately one year for her fibroids. She has had mental issues since receiving those injections. The military is treating her very unfairly. I do like the manner in which she is being treated. She was hospitalized in a mental institution for one month. Please help us as she is going to need help. I may not always be around to assist her. I just want to make sure the makers of this drug pay for the harm they have caused her. She may never have a normal life again.